Submission Form

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Please follow the instructions:

  • Content should be original: All submissions should be the author’s original work and not previously published elsewhere.
  • Topic relevance: The article should be relevant to the theme of the technology media and targeted at the intended audience.
  • Images and visuals: If the article requires images or visuals, they should be high-quality and relevant.
  • Tone and style: The tone and style of the article should be engaging, informative, and easy to read.
  • Formatting and Word count: Articles should be submitted in a specific format, such as Word or Google docs. The articles should be at least 400 words.
  • Citation: If there are any references or sources used in the article, they should be cited properly.
  • Author bio: A brief author bio (40 to 60 words) and contact information should be provided for publication.


By following these rules, your article will have a greater chance of being accepted and published on our technology media platform.

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