June 7, 2023

AI and ML: A useful review

Artificial intelligence or machine intelligence encompasses the simulation of human intelligence in machines, and machine learning is a specific approach within AI that focuses on enabling machines to learn and improve from data. This article discusses the importance of AI and ML, its application, benefits, and limitations. What are AI and ML Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of mortal intelligence in machines programmed to think, reason, and learn. It encompasses various techniques and methodologies to enable computers to perform work that typically requires human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, problem-solving, and visual perception. Machine Learning (ML) is a...

Latest June 7, 2023

Passive Solar Energy is an Effective Renewable Solution

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, the utilization of renewable energy sources has become increasingly vital. This article explores the concept of passive solar energy and highlights its potential as an effective renewable solution. Understanding Passive Solar Energy Passive solar energy refers to designing and utilizing building structures to optimize the absorption and distribution of sunlight for heating and lighting purposes. By strategically incorporating...

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