A review of Wind Energy and Aerodynamics

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The wind is one of the free sources of energy, and wind energy harnesses rivers, mountains, and plants all move due to wind. This article discusses wind energy, its categories, Aerodynamics, importance of wind energy, and its market value.

What is Wind Energy?

Wind energy is a kind of renewable energy; the method of using wind to generate electricity is known as wind energy. ​Variations in the atmosphere are caused by uneven heating from the sun to the atmosphere. As a renewable energy source, wind energy can greatly help us to solve our growing energy demand!

“The two most abundant forms of power on earth are solar and wind, and they’re getting cheaper and cheaper.” — Ed Begley, Jr.

What are the Catigories of Wind Energy? 

Wind energy can be divided into three major categories:

  • Utility-scale wind power
  • Offshore Wind power
  • Distributed or “Small” Wind power

Utility-scale wind power; wind turbines with a power output ranging from 100 kilowatts to several megawatts are those whose energy is provided to the power grid and then delivered to the final consumer by electric utilities or power operators.

Offshore wind power; wind turbines are built in vast bodies of water. These are often bigger than onshore turbines, and because a giant turbine has a higher efficiency, it can produce more electricity.

Distributed or small wind power directly powers a house, farm, or small company that is not linked to the grid. This rule applies to wind turbines that are under 100 kilowatts in size.

How Does Wind Energy Work?

Wind turbines convert energy from the wind into electrical energy by rotating a blade around a rotor. An electric generator with a rotor turns the drive shaft to produce electricity. The power obtained at the output of a turbine depends on the wind speed, wind density, and swept area. Wind speed is usually higher near rivers, seas and mountains, so wind energy generates electricity.

“The current anger at the march of turbines and pylons across the hills of Britain is not from nimbys. Government money has lubricated most backyard owners to support wind power. It comes from those who appreciate the beauty of the countryside and who question the industrial spoliation of miles of open landscape for a pitiful net gain to climate change.” — Simon Jenkins

There are two types of wind turbines —

  • Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs)   and 
  • Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs)

The horizontal-axis wind turbines are the most commonly used for wind energy.

What is Aerodynamics?

Aerodynamics is a field of dynamics that studies the motion of gaseous fluids, such as air and water, and the forces that act on moving objects concerning those fluids. The characteristics of an object influence how easily it can move through the air.

The four guiding principles of aerodynamics are weight, lift, thrust, and drag. An item moves upwards and downwards, quicker and slower, due to the forces produced by the physics of flight and aircraft structures.

Why is Wind Energy important?

The wind is a form of energy and can reduce the risk of global warming by harnessing this energy. Utilizing wind power can save fossil fuels, thereby reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other substances responsible for the greenhouse effect.

Besides, you can enjoy the benefits of free electricity after installing the turbine. Air is a source of energy that is inexhaustible and limitless over time. So the power generated by wind can be included as sustainable energy.

How are growing global Wind Energy markets?

The market value of Wind Energy:According to Precedence Research, the global wind energy market value was USD 77.77 billion in 2021. It is projected to be worth around US$ 174.75 billion by 2030, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% from 2021 to 2030 [1].

Some prominent global wind energy market players include Vestas, Dongfang Electric Corporation, ENERCON GmbH, Goldwind, Nordex SE, Sinovel, GE Renewable, Suzlon Group, Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Co., and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S.A.

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