Apple in Talks to Integrate Google’s Gemini AI into Upcoming iPhones

Apple in Talks to Integrate Google's Gemini AI into Upcoming iPhones

Key Points:

  • Apple is reportedly in talks with Google to license Gemini AI for potential integration into upcoming iPhones.
  • Google’s Gemini AI could power various generative AI features on the iPhone, complementing Apple’s AI development efforts.
  • Rival phone makers are aggressively introducing generative AI features in their flagship devices to meet growing consumer demand.
  • Apple’s cautious approach to emerging technologies may pose a risk of falling behind competitors in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

According to a recent Bloomberg report, Apple is exploring integrating Google’s Gemini AI models into its upcoming iPhones. The sources familiar with the matter suggest that Apple is considering a licensing deal with Google. If finalized, Google’s suite of Gemini AI models could power various generative AI features on the iPhone, such as essay writing and image creation.

While Apple is concurrently developing its own AI models, which are expected to focus on enabling on-device features, the company has not yet responded to requests for comment regarding the potential partnership with Google.

This development arises amid a competitive landscape in which rival phone manufacturers are racing to introduce generative AI features in their flagship devices. Samsung’s recent Galaxy S24 lineup introduced the Galaxy AI, powered by generative AI, as a significant upgrade. Similarly, Google’s Pixel 8 Pro utilizes Gemini Nano for features like conversation summarization and message suggestions in messaging applications.

The report also suggests that Apple has previously engaged in discussions with OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT chatbot. However, no conclusive agreements have been reached with either party.

Apple’s approach to emerging technologies has traditionally been cautious, as seen with its delayed entry into the foldable phone market. However, with the advancements in AI technology, there are concerns that Apple may risk falling behind its competitors. Although Apple has expressed enthusiasm for the potential of generative AI, CEO Tim Cook hinted at exciting developments to be revealed later this year during a recent earnings call. Bloomberg reports indicate that Apple has been working on its large language model, codenamed Ajax, but it lags behind rival AI models.

As anticipation builds for Apple’s next mobile operating system, iOS 18, which is expected to debut in June, the integration of new generative AI features remains a topic of speculation. Whether these features will be powered by Google’s Gemini AI, OpenAI, or Apple’s AI models is yet to be determined.

TechGolly editorial team led by Al Mahmud Al Mamun. He worked as an Editor-in-Chief at a world-leading professional research Magazine. Rasel Hossain and Enamul Kabir are supporting as Managing Editor. Our team is intercorporate with technologists, researchers, and technology writers. We have substantial knowledge and background in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Embedded Technology.

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