China Urges EU to Show Sincerity in Talks Amid Looming EV Tariffs

China Urges EU to Show Sincerity in Talks Amid Looming EV Tariffs

Key Points:

  • The Global Times calls for EU sincerity in technical talks before imposing EV tariffs.
  • This reflection reflects on past swift Chinese responses to U.S. tariffs under Donald Trump.
  • He Yadong emphasizes a four-month window for arbitration and urges reconsideration of tariffs.
  • Beijing contemplates investigating European pork, dairy, and large-engined car imports.

China’s state-backed Global Times has called on the European Union (EU) to demonstrate sincerity in ongoing technical talks before imposing tariffs on Chinese-manufactured electric vehicles (EVs). This plea follows the EU’s announcement that provisional tariffs will take effect on Friday.

Reflecting on past trade conflicts, such as the tariff escalation between the U.S. and China during Donald Trump’s administration in 2018, the Global Times noted that China typically responded swiftly with its countermeasures. However, Beijing’s response has been more measured this time, focusing on urging intensified dialogue with Brussels.

A recent Global Times article headline emphasized China’s call for the EU to advance consultations to resolve the EV tariffs dispute. The article quoted commerce ministry spokesperson He Yadong, who spoke at a regular news conference on Thursday. He highlighted the four-month window before final arbitration and urged the EU to reconsider the impending tariffs of up to 37.6% on Chinese-made EVs.

In a separate editorial, the Global Times reported that Beijing is contemplating opening investigations into European imports of pork, dairy, and large-engined cars. The editorial urged the EU to consider the opposition from European automakers regarding the tariffs. Historically, the Chinese government has hinted at its potential actions through state media commentaries and interviews with industry figures.

The Chinese government has consistently called for the EU to cancel the proposed tariffs, expressing a willingness to negotiate. Officials have emphasized that China does not wish to engage in another tariff war, especially as U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods continue to impact the economy. However, Beijing has also stated that it will take necessary steps to protect Chinese companies if required.

On Thursday, He Yadong provided an update on an ongoing anti-dumping investigation into European pork imports. Additionally, according to Chinese customs data, the Chinese government is conducting an anti-dumping inquiry into European brandy imports, most of which came from France last year.

The editorial pointed out the differing stances within the EU. France is a strong supporter of the curbs, while Germany, whose automakers made a significant portion of their sales in China last year, reportedly opposes the tariffs.

TechGolly editorial team led by Al Mahmud Al Mamun. He worked as an Editor-in-Chief at a world-leading professional research Magazine. Rasel Hossain and Enamul Kabir are supporting as Managing Editor. Our team is intercorporate with technologists, researchers, and technology writers. We have substantial knowledge and background in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Embedded Technology.

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