Chinese Firm Acquires European Flying Car Technology, Paving the Way for New Transport Solutions

Chinese Firm Acquires European Flying Car Technology, Paving the Way for New Transport Solutions

Key Points:

  • A Chinese firm acquired the technology behind AirCar, a flying car developed and tested in Europe that can transition from car to aircraft in just over two minutes.
  • Hebei Jianxin Flying Car Technology Company secures exclusive rights to manufacture and use AirCar aircraft in China.
  • China demonstrates interest in flying transport solutions, with successful test flights of passenger drones and electric flying taxis.
  • Despite their potential to revolutionize transportation, challenges remain in infrastructure, regulation, and public acceptance of flying cars.

A Chinese firm has acquired the technology behind a revolutionary flying car, originally developed and test-flown in Europe, signaling a new chapter in the evolution of transportation. The AirCar, powered by a BMW engine and conventional fuel, made headlines in 2021 when it completed a 35-minute flight between two Slovakian airports, seamlessly transitioning from car to aircraft in just over two minutes using traditional runways for take-off and landing.

Hebei Jianxin Flying Car Technology Company, based in Cangzhou, has secured exclusive rights to manufacture and utilize AirCar aircraft within a specified region in China. The acquisition follows the firm’s establishment of an airport and flight school, building upon a previous acquisition from a Slovak aircraft manufacturer.

China’s interest in flying transport solutions mirrors its pioneering role in the electric vehicle (EV) revolution. Last month, Autoflight conducted a successful test flight of a passenger-carrying drone, completing a journey between Shenzhen and Zhuhai in just 20 minutes. Similarly, eHang received a safety certificate 2023 for its electric flying taxi, indicating China’s commitment to exploring innovative mobility solutions.

Unlike vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) passenger aircraft, such as drones, AirCar requires a traditional runway for operation. Despite its groundbreaking capabilities, challenges remain in terms of infrastructure, regulation, and public acceptance.

The sale of AirCar’s technology to a Chinese firm underscores China’s potential to lead in the development of flying cars, much like its dominance in the electric vehicle market. Aviation consultant Steve Wright highlights the need for a regulatory framework to address the unique challenges posed by this emerging mode of transport, suggesting that China’s proactive approach may position it as a frontrunner in this space.

While prototypes like AirCar capture the imagination, the reality of flying cars may involve logistical considerations such as queues and security checks. Nonetheless, the acquisition signals a significant step towards realizing the vision of personalized aerial transportation.

TechGolly editorial team led by Al Mahmud Al Mamun. He worked as an Editor-in-Chief at a world-leading professional research Magazine. Rasel Hossain and Enamul Kabir are supporting as Managing Editor. Our team is intercorporate with technologists, researchers, and technology writers. We have substantial knowledge and background in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Embedded Technology.

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