US to Release List of Advanced Chinese Chipmaking Factories for Technology Restrictions

US to Release List of Advanced Chinese Chipmaking Factories for Chip Technology Restrictions

Key Points:

  • The United States is compiling a list of advanced Chinese chipmaking factories that are barred from receiving key tools.
  • The move aims to facilitate compliance with export control regulations and restrict technology flows into China.
  • The list is expected to be released in the next few months following the Commerce Department’s 2022 decision to restrict exports to Chinese factories.
  • Companies have faced challenges identifying restricted facilities and have urged the Commerce Department to publish a comprehensive list.

According to the individuals familiar with the matter, the United States is compiling a list of advanced Chinese chipmaking factories that will be barred from receiving key tools. This move aims to facilitate companies’ efforts to control the flow of technology into China amid ongoing concerns about national security risks associated with Beijing’s technological advancements.

Sources reveal that the list of restricted factories could be unveiled within the next couple of months, marking a significant step in the US government’s strategy to restrict the transfer of advanced technology to China. The Commerce Department had previously prohibited US companies from exporting equipment to Chinese facilities engaged in producing advanced chips as part of efforts to curb Beijing’s technological progress.

However, identifying specific factories in China involved in producing advanced chips has posed a challenge for companies, prompting calls for the Commerce Department to publish a comprehensive list. By doing so, US firms can more effectively ensure compliance with export control regulations.

The development underscores the United States’ commitment to bolstering existing restrictions on chip exports to China, signaling a concerted effort to address national security concerns. While the Commerce Department declined to comment on the matter, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington urged the US to refrain from “overstretching the concept of national security” and “abusing state power” to suppress Chinese companies.

During an annual export controls conference in Washington, US officials acknowledged the industry’s requests for clarity regarding restricted facilities. Addressing company concerns, one official emphasized the importance of providing information on the problematic facilities.

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