June 19, 2024

Hyundai Mobis Introduces AI System to Enhance Product Quality Checks

Key Points: Hyundai Mobis has developed an AI system that uses sound analysis to assess product quality. The system is currently used at the Changwon plant. Acoustic AI can determine product quality in one second, improving the accuracy and speed of inspections. Hyundai Mobis plans to extend the use of Acoustic AI to other manufacturing lines, including brake equipment. The company aims to gather more data to refine the AI system further, ensuring continuous improvement in quality checks. Hyundai Mobis, a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Group, announced on Wednesday the development of a sound-based artificial intelligence system designed to enhance...

Latest June 19, 2024

Global Warming Deepens Health Inequality and Spreads Disease in Europe

Key Points: Global warming is increasing heat-related deaths and spreading disease-carrying ticks and parasites in Europe. Women are more affected by heat-related mortality due to physiological differences and longer lifespans. Warmer temperatures enable the spread of Leishmania infantum and Ixodes ricinus, increasing the incidence of related diseases. There has been a significant increase in studies on climate change and health, but a gap remains in...

Machine Learning Market in 2024

In the era of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (ML) is a cornerstone that has redefined how systems learn from data and make informed decisions. The Machine Learning market has witnessed remarkable growth, propelled by the convergence of data availability, algorithmic advancements, and the quest for intelligent automation. Reasons for Machine Learning Market Growth From its ability to extract insights from data to its applications in...

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