Shanghai Enhances Business Environment Transparency for International Community

Shanghai Enhances Business Environment Transparency for International Community

Key Points:

  • The International Services Shanghai online portal is launched to provide expats and foreigners with updated policies and information.
  • The “B-Ready” column focuses on Shanghai’s efforts to optimize its business environment using indicators.
  • The portal includes an illustration of Shanghai’s latest action plan for business environment optimization and details on the city’s 53 industrial parks.
  • International residents and businesses commend Shanghai’s commitment to creating a welcoming environment.

The Shanghai municipal government has unveiled an online portal named the International Services Shanghai, launched on January 1, to provide expats and foreigners with the latest policies and information on various aspects such as travel, work, study, investment, and living in Shanghai.

A recent addition to this portal is a dedicated column called “B-Ready,” focusing on Shanghai’s efforts to optimize its business environment. This column includes an analysis of Shanghai’s business environment using indicators from the World Bank’s Business Ready assessment system introduced in 2023.

The “B-Ready” column analysis outlines key measures and cases implemented in Shanghai, showcasing the city’s commitment to continuously improving the business environment. By highlighting the results achieved over the past years, the analysis aims to provide foreign companies with a better understanding of Shanghai’s efforts and boost confidence and recognition for investment in the city.

The portal has also been updated with an illustration of Shanghai’s latest action plan for business environment optimization, released on February 18. Additionally, an introduction to the city’s 53 industrial parks is available, offering comprehensive information for businesses interested in the diverse industrial landscape of Shanghai.

Bruno Lannes, a partner at Bain & Company with 18 years of experience living in Shanghai, praised the new portal as an illustration of the city being “a welcoming city for international people.” Lannes highlighted the Shanghai government’s focus on making the lives of foreign residents enjoyable, emphasizing that government support, education facilities for children, healthcare services, and access to talent are crucial considerations for individuals and businesses.

Shanghai has consistently updated its action plans for business environment optimization since 2018 and has earned recognition as the most attractive Chinese city for foreign talents. Carlo D’Andrea, Vice President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Chairman of its Shanghai Board, noted that 83% of its members consider Shanghai the best city to conduct business.

D’Andrea, who has been providing legal services to multinational companies in China for nearly 20 years, commended Shanghai’s latest efforts for business environment optimization, especially its focus on improving the ecosystem for small-to-medium enterprises.

The new portal is a valuable tool for marketing the Shanghai brand and attracting more international investment, particularly by enhancing transparency and providing insights into the city’s commitment to fostering a favorable business environment.

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