PIC32MZ EF Family 32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Table of Contents

The PIC32MZ EF Family from Microchip Technology Inc. delivers high performance. The PIC32 Family of 32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs) runs up to 252 MHz with up to 2 MB Flash and 512 KB SRAM. It has a best-in-class peripheral set including 8-/16-bit Parallel Master Port (PMP), External Bus Interface (EBI), 48-channel, 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), I2 S/SPI, Hi-Speed USB 2.0-compliant Device/ Host/OTG, and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC.

Designed For

The PIC32MZ EF Family targets connectivity applications for different fields, including Industrial, IOT, automotive, and Graphics(HMI). It has a high-performance core with a floating point unit, ethernet, high-speed USB and CAN, and Crypto Engine. The list of sources for triggering a scan conversion has been expanded on the PIC32MZ EF MCU devices, including the comparators, output compare, and two additional Timers.

Product Features

The MPLAB® Harmony integrated software framework fully supports PIC32MZ EF Family MCUs. The key features of the PIC32 Family of 32-bit MCUs are given below.

Processor Core and Memories

  • 200 MHz/330 DMIPS, MIPS Warrior M-class core
  • Four 64-bit accumulators and Single-cycle MAC
  • Saturating and fractional math
  • FPU for fast single and double-precision math,
  • AEC Q100 Grade1 rated from -40c to 125C
  • Operating voltage range of 2.2V to 3.6V
  • Dual Panel Flash for live update support
  • Up to 2MB Flash memory and Up to 512KB SRAM memory
  • Eight channels of hardware programmable DMA and 18 channels of dedicated DMA

Communication Interfaces

  • 12-bit, 18 MSPS, 48-channel ADC module
  • Six digital comparators and six digital filters
  • 18 Msps rate with six Samples and Hold circuits
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Device/Host/OTG and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC
  • 50 MHz Serial Quad Interface (SQI)
  • Six UART modules (25 Mbps) and Two CAN modules 2.0B Active
  • Six 4-wire SPI modules (50 Mbps) and Five I2C modules
  • SQI is configurable as an additional SPI module (50 MHz)

Audio/Graphics and Software Support

  • Parallel Master Port (PMP) and 50 MHz External Bus Interface (EBI)
  • Audio data communication (I2S, LJ, RJ, USB) and control interface (SPI and I2C)
  • Fractional clock frequencies with USB synchronization
  • MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework
  • TCP/IP, USB, Graphics, and mTouch middleware
  • RTOS Kernels, Express Logic ThreadX, FreeRTOS, OPENRTOS, Micriµm, µC/OS, and SEGGER embOS
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