March 15, 2023

Autonomous Vehicles can change the Revolution of Transportation!

An autonomous vehicle is a type of vehicle that can guide itself without information from a human driver. There are several kinds of self-driving vehicles, relying on their level of automation. This article discusses autonomous vehicles, how Autonomous vehicles can change the revolution of transportation, and their market value. What is an autonomous vehicle? An autonomous or driverless vehicle can drive itself and perform required tasks without human intervention through its ability to sense its surroundings. Autonomous vehicles (AVs), sometimes also referred to as self-driving cars or automated vehicles, are a category of automobiles in which some or all driving...

Latest March 15, 2023

Do Nuclear Weapons Make the World Less Safe?

A nuclear weapon is an explosive element that derives its destructive power from either fission (fission bomb) or a mixture of fission and fusion reactions (thermonuclear bomb), producing a nuclear explosion. This article discusses nuclear weapons, how they make the world safe, and their market value. What are nuclear weapons? A nuclear weapon is a machine that utilizes a nuclear reaction to create an explosion....

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