Researchers Developed Metal Ion-Controlled Chemical Reactions for Brain-like Computing

Researchers Developed Metal Ion-Controlled Chemical Reactions for Brain-like Computing

Key Points

  • University of Twente researchers developed a method to control chemical reactions with metal ions.
  • The method is vastly different and more energy-efficient than the operations of current digital computers.
  • These reactions imitate mathematical functions and can “remember” past events.
  • The discovery could pave the way for brain-like computers, AI, and smart materials.

Researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough by developing a method that harnesses metal ions’ unique properties to control chemical reactions precisely. This pioneering approach could create computers that mimic the human brain’s functionality while consuming significantly less energy than traditional digital systems. The research, led by the University of Twente team, has been published in Nature Communications.

Living organisms process information through a series of complex chemical reactions, a method vastly different and more energy-efficient than the operations of current digital computers. For decades, scientists have tried to replicate this natural information-processing method by using molecules with limited success. However, the research team has made a significant leap by using metal ions to simulate mathematical functions through chemical reactions.

The study demonstrated that metal ions could imitate various mathematical functions, including linear equations, parabolas, and logical Boolean functions. What makes this achievement remarkable is the ability of these reactions to “remember” past events and not merely respond to present conditions. Albert Wong, a researcher from the University of Twente, emphasized that this marks the discovery of a potential building block for intelligent chemical systems.

By utilizing metal ions, the research team was able to control autocatalytic reactions—self-accelerating chemical reactions. Specifically, they applied this technique to converting trypsinogen to trypsin, a process commonly found in biological systems. By introducing a substance that slowed down this reaction, they created a dual-state system capable of temporarily storing information, effectively giving the reaction network a form of memory.

This discovery can potentially transform the development of brain-like computing systems, artificial intelligence, and smart materials. The ability to program simple chemical networks with memory opens new possibilities for advancements in nanobiotechnology and could shed light on the chemical origins of life.

TechGolly editorial team led by Al Mahmud Al Mamun. He worked as an Editor-in-Chief at a world-leading professional research Magazine. Rasel Hossain and Enamul Kabir are supporting as Managing Editor. Our team is intercorporate with technologists, researchers, and technology writers. We have substantial knowledge and background in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Embedded Technology.

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